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Published Articles

Hijabi woman

Headstrong & Headscarves: Conversations with hijabi women of UGA

The fashion, politics and lives of women that wear the hijab. From their reasons for covering their heads to the empowerment behind it, from their shopping struggles to everyday role models, three hijabi women at UGA tell us their stories. 


Three girls walking through Tate plaza all laughing at an inside joke, discussing their weekend plans, their need for new clothes and the last test they just struggled with. A mundane yet common scene at the University of Georgia. Now imagine them with modest clothing and headscarves, also known as hijabs, covering their heads. Does that detail change the scene? 

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Published by The Red & Black, photo by Lexi Kim for The Red & Black


Photographing the South: Photographer Jerry Siegel publishes 'Black Belt Color'


When away from his studio in Atlanta, Jerry Siegel can be found driving around Selma, Alabama photographing the storefronts, childhood places and the people of the south.


Siegel, a 59-year-old photographer, published his second book “Black Belt Color: Photographs by Jerry Siegel” with UGA’s Georgia Museum of Art this May. 

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Published by The Red & Black, photo courtesy of Jerry Siegel

Atlanta’s 'Super Bowl of Swimming' brings Olympians and cancer advocates to Lake Lanier

Swim Across America started out as a small organization to raise awareness for cancer research. Today, it’s spread across the country, with chapters in several U.S. cities. Here in Atlanta, it’s signature fundraiser is an Olympic-swimmer-studded event that inspires and impacts its beneficiaries as well as participants.

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Published by Atlanta Magazine


To see how Mon​go​lia’s rich re​li​gious, no​madic and po​lit​i​cal history will fare next to the in​‐ dus​trial and eco​nomic growth of the coun​try in the next few years, this pop​u​lous cap​i​tal city is the per​fect place to peak into the fu​ture. See how democ​racy in​flu​ences this metropoli​tan hub, and for​get your pre​con​cep​tions about the city and go ex​plore the cul​tural gems it has to of​fer. Here is a com​pi​la​tion of high​lights in Ulaan​baatar, fondly short​ened to UB.

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Published by The UB Post


Twenty-eight guides, 35 driv​ers, and a roar​ing tourism busi​ness later, Ogie, is still plan​ning her next step. Ogie, for​mally known as N.Ulam​tuya, is the co-founder and the brain​child be​‐ hind Golden Gobi Guest​house & Tours based in Ulaan​baatar. Usu​ally found in her of​fice plan​‐ ning itin​er​ar​ies, con​vers​ing with peo​ple on tour op​tions or min​gling with her staff, Ogie and her fam​ily have been run​ning the Golden Gobi hos​tel since 2005, as well as con​duct​ing tours all around Mon​go​lia.

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Published by The UB Post


Among an​i​mal en​thu​si​asts, es​pe​cially horse and camel ad​mir​ers, Mon​go​lia is a haven for mak​ing their rid​ing dreams come true. From month-long horse treks to count​less do​mes​tic tourism in​dus​tries spe​cial​iz​ing in jour​neys on horse or camel, there is a grow​ing in​ter​est in par​tak​ing in these trav​els.

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Published by The UB Post

Travel & Telenovelas: Carolina Acosta-Alzuru tells her life tales

Since her first trip to the United States at the age of 10 — incidentally also her first time in an airplane and being outside of her home country of Venezuela — Carolina Acosta-Alzuru has been infatuated with traveling.

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Published by Ampersand Magazine

Think outside the barrel: Terrapin partners with Georgia rum distillery for new brew

Reminiscent of a creamy and chocolate-infused dessert, Tiramisu-Hoo from Terrapin Beer Co. has been popular for several years. Now, the Athens-based brewery is releasing a new version of the milk/sweet stout, Richland Reserve, that has been enriching in Richland Rum barrels for almost two years.

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Published by The Red & Black

Baring it all: Student models in nude modeling program at Lamar Dodd discuss art and body positivity

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Published by The Red & Black, assigning editor and photographer for this story. 

Finding time for faith: Some Muslim students must balance fasting and classes

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Published by The Red & Black, photographer for this story. 

©2024 by Mauli Desai

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